Friday, July 9, 2010

How this all started

Henry is going to have the entire August off with no summer camp or pretty much anything planned. In all the years I’ve been working we always had a place to “stash” him (day care, school, after school care, nanny, grand parents, summer camps, all of them). I’m starting a business so I work from home most of the time and not making any money. It seems logical to save the money and keep him at home and let me entertain him.

That’s a tall order. I just hope we both survive the month.

So I have to get creative and come up with something challenging. Henry loves animals. Henry likes working on a project, keeping track of things, and taking charge. Henry can take pictures, write, and do math.

Here is my grand idea:

Campaign: Four Weeks 40 blankets

During the month of August, Henry and I will collect 40 blankets on bahalf of Humane Society of Silicon Valley. We will cordinate with our friends and family, advertise through assorted organizations we belong to, as well as Freecycle and Craigslist. We will pick up the donations from homes and businesses, and drop them off every Friday at Humane Society office. We will also collect toys, food, medications that people want to donate. We will keep track of the donations, take pictures, blog about our experience, and set up a Facebook Page to share with our followers.

We have received blessing from Humane Society and we can turn in whatever we collect. So we are on track for a kick start!


  1. Henry, this sounds like a wonderful way to help out the Humane Society! I look forward to reading about your experiences!

  2. What an wonderful idea. I am sure you will be successful jn this venture!

  3. I'll help. I'll knit two blankets and send them to you. As soon as I've finished them I'll contact you for your address.

  4. Henry, Get out your yardstick and tell me what size you want them to be, maybe others would like to know too, so just put some sizes up on your blog and I might be able to make a couple, too.


  5. Disregard my comment on your blog... I found it!! I'd also love to promote it on my blog...
